Demystifying the Enigmatic Error: Python ortools Stops Without Stack Trace
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Demystifying the Enigmatic Error: Python ortools Stops Without Stack Trace

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Have you ever encountered the frustrating issue of Python’s ortools library coming to a sudden halt, leaving you with no error message or stack trace to guide you towards a solution? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the possible reasons behind this enigmatic error and provide step-by-step instructions to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

What is ortools?

Ortools is an open-source library developed by Google that provides a set of optimization tools for solving complex mathematical problems. It’s particularly useful for operations research and management science applications. The library is built on top of the COIN-OR optimization libraries and provides a Python interface for accessing various solvers.

Why Does ortools Stop Without a Stack Trace?

There are several reasons why ortools might stop without providing a stack trace. Some common culprits include:

  • Incorrect Installation: If ortools is not installed correctly, it can lead to unexpected behavior, including abrupt termination without error messages.
  • Version Incompatibilities: Using incompatible versions of ortools or its dependencies can cause the library to malfunction.
  • Memory Issues: ortools can be memory-intensive, and if your system doesn’t have sufficient memory, the library might terminate unexpectedly.
  • Modeling Errors: Incorrectly formulated models or solvers can cause ortools to stop without providing a stack trace.

Troubleshooting Steps

Before we dive into the troubleshooting process, make sure you have the latest version of ortools installed. You can check by running pip show ortools in your terminal.

Step 1: Verify Installation

To ensure ortools is installed correctly, try reinstalling the library using the following command:

pip uninstall ortools
pip install ortools

If you’re using a virtual environment, make sure to activate it before reinstalling ortools.

Step 2: Check Version Compatibility

Verify that you’re using compatible versions of ortools and its dependencies. You can check the version compatibility by running:

import ortools

Compare the output with the list of compatible versions on the ortools documentation page.

Step 3: Profile Memory Usage

To identify potential memory issues, use the memory_profiler library to profile your Python script. Install it using:

pip install memory-profiler

Then, add the @profile decorator to your function, like this:

def my_function():
    # Your ortools code here

Run your script using mprof run, and analyze the memory usage output.

Step 4: Inspect Model Formulation

Review your model formulation and solver configuration to ensure they’re correct. Double-check that:

  • The objective function is correctly defined.
  • Constraints are properly formulated and added to the model.
  • The solver is correctly specified and configured.

Case Studies: Real-World Examples

Let’s examine some real-world examples to demonstrate how to apply the troubleshooting steps.

Case 1: Incorrect Installation

In this case, a user installed ortools using pip install ortools, but forgot to install the required COIN-OR libraries. The solution is to reinstall ortools with the correct dependencies:

pip uninstall ortools
pip install ortools[all]

Case 2: Version Incompatibilities

A developer was using ortools version 7.5 with Python 3.8, but the latest version of ortools (8.0) is not compatible with Python 3.8. The solution is to downgrade ortools to version 7.5:

pip install ortools==7.5

Case 3: Memory Issues

A researcher was solving a large-scale optimization problem using ortools, but the script terminated without an error message. After profiling the memory usage, they discovered that the script was consuming excessive memory. The solution is to optimize the model formulation or use a more efficient solver.


In this article, we’ve explored the possible reasons behind the enigmatic error of Python’s ortools stopping without a stack trace. By following the troubleshooting steps and case studies, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue in your own project. Remember to:

  1. Verify the installation and version compatibility of ortools.
  2. Profile memory usage to detect potential memory issues.
  3. Inspect model formulation and solver configuration for correctness.

By applying these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the mysterious issue and unlocking the full potential of ortools for your optimization needs.

Troubleshooting Step Description
Verify Installation Reinstall ortools to ensure correct installation
Check Version Compatibility Verify compatibility of ortools and its dependencies
Profile Memory Usage Analyze memory usage to detect potential issues
Inspect Model Formulation Review model formulation and solver configuration for correctness

Don’t let the enigmatic error hold you back from harnessing the power of ortools. With these troubleshooting steps and case studies, you’re equipped to tackle even the most challenging optimization problems.

Frequently Asked Question

When working with Python’s ortools, you might encounter an issue where it stops without providing a stack trace – frustrating, right? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Q1: Why does ortools stop without a stack trace?

Ortools can stop without a stack trace due to a few reasons, such as incorrect installation, incompatible library versions, or invalid input data. Make sure to check the installation process, library versions, and input data for any errors.

Q2: How can I enable verbose mode to debug ortools?

To enable verbose mode, you can set the `ortools` logger to `DEBUG` level using the `logging` module. Add the following code before calling ortools: `import logging; logging.getLogger(‘ortools’).setLevel(logging.DEBUG)`. This will provide more detailed output and help you identify the issue.

Q3: What are some common ortools configuration issues that can cause it to stop without a stack trace?

Common configuration issues include incorrect solver settings, such as invalid solver names or parameters, and incorrect problem formulations, like inconsistent data or undefined variables. Review your ortools configuration and problem formulation to ensure they are correct and consistent.

Q4: Can I use a try-except block to catch ortools exceptions and get a stack trace?

Yes, you can use a try-except block to catch ortools exceptions and get a stack trace. Wrap your ortools code in a try block and catch specific exceptions, such as `ortools.linear_solver.pywraplp.Solver.InvalidArgument`, to retrieve the error message and stack trace. Use the `traceback` module to print the stack trace.

Q5: Are there any ortools community resources where I can ask for help and get further guidance?

Yes, there are several ortools community resources available, including the official ortools GitHub page, Stack Overflow, and online forums like Reddit’s r/learnprogramming and r/askscience. You can also search for ortools-related issues on GitHub and Stack Overflow to see if others have encountered similar problems.

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