Azure App Services – ASP.Net project with Angular as Virtual Directory: A Comprehensive Guide
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Azure App Services – ASP.Net project with Angular as Virtual Directory: A Comprehensive Guide

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Welcome to this in-depth guide on deploying an ASP.Net project with Angular as a virtual directory on Azure App Services! In this article, we’ll take you through the step-by-step process of creating and deploying a robust web application that leverages the power of ASP.Net and Angular.

Why ASP.Net and Angular?

The combination of ASP.Net and Angular is a popular choice among developers due to its flexibility, scalability, and ease of development. ASP.Net provides a robust backend framework for building web applications, while Angular offers a powerful frontend framework for creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

The advantages of using ASP.Net and Angular together include:

  • Robust and scalable backend with ASP.Net
  • Dynamic and interactive frontend with Angular
  • Faster development and deployment
  • Improved code maintainability and reusability

Setting Up the Project

Before we dive into the deployment process, let’s set up our ASP.Net project with Angular as a virtual directory.

Step 1: Create a New ASP.Net Project

Create a new ASP.Net project in Visual Studio by following these steps:

  1. Open Visual Studio and select “File” > “New” > “Project…”
  2. Select “ASP.Net Web Application” under the “.NET Framework” section
  3. Choose “Empty” as the project template and click “OK”

Step 2: Create a New Angular Project

Create a new Angular project using the Angular CLI:

ng new my-angular-app
cd my-angular-app

Step 3: Add Angular to the ASP.Net Project as a Virtual Directory

Add the Angular project as a virtual directory in the ASP.Net project:

In the ASP.Net project, right-click on the project in Solution Explorer and select “Add” > “New Folder”. Name the folder “AngularApp”.

 Right-click on the "AngularApp" folder and select "Add" > "Existing Web Site..."

Select the Angular project directory and click “Open”.

Configuring the ASP.Net Project

Now that we have our ASP.Net project set up with Angular as a virtual directory, let’s configure the ASP.Net project to serve the Angular application.

Step 1: Configure the Web.config File

Update the Web.config file to include the following settings:

        <remove name="UrlRoutingModule-4.0" />

Step 2: Configure the Startup.cs File

Update the Startup.cs file to include the following code:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

Deploying to Azure App Services

Now that our ASP.Net project with Angular as a virtual directory is set up and configured, let’s deploy it to Azure App Services.

Step 1: Create a New Azure App Service Plan

Create a new Azure App Service plan by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the Azure portal and select “Create a resource”
  2. Search for “App Service plan” and select “Create”
  3. Fill in the required details and click “Create”

Step 2: Create a New Azure App Service

Create a new Azure App Service by following these steps:

  1. Select the newly created App Service plan
  2. Click on “Create App Service” and select “Web App”
  3. Fill in the required details and click “Create”

Step 3: Deploy the ASP.Net Project to Azure App Service

Deploy the ASP.Net project to the Azure App Service using Visual Studio:

  1. Open the ASP.Net project in Visual Studio
  2. Right-click on the project in Solution Explorer and select “Publish…”
  3. Select “Azure App Service” as the target and click “Next”
  4. Select the Azure App Service created earlier and click “Publish”

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues during deployment, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Check the Azure App Service logs for errors
  • Verify that the Angular project is correctly configured as a virtual directory
  • Ensure that the Web.config file is correctly configured
  • Check the Startup.cs file for any errors or misconfigurations


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the step-by-step process of creating and deploying an ASP.Net project with Angular as a virtual directory on Azure App Services. By following these instructions, you should be able to deploy a robust web application that leverages the power of ASP.Net and Angular.

Remember to troubleshoot any issues that may arise during deployment, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.

Keyword Description
Azure App Services A cloud-based platform for hosting web applications
ASP.Net A web application framework for building robust and scalable web applications
Angular A frontend framework for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces
Virtual Directory A directory that is served as a separate website or application within a larger website or application

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to deploying a robust and scalable web application that leverages the power of ASP.Net and Angular on Azure App Services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the lowdown on deploying an ASP.NET project with Angular as a virtual directory on Azure App Services!

Can I deploy an ASP.NET project with Angular as a virtual directory on Azure App Services?

Absolutely! Azure App Services allows you to deploy an ASP.NET project with Angular as a virtual directory. This setup enables you to take advantage of the strengths of both technologies, providing a powerful and scalable solution for your web application.

How do I configure the virtual directory for my Angular application in Azure App Services?

To configure the virtual directory, you’ll need to add a web.config file to the root of your Angular project with the following settings: <configuration><system.webServer><virtualDirectory alias=”/” path=”/”>. This tells Azure App Services to serve the Angular application from the root directory. You can then update the base href in your Angular project to reflect the virtual directory.

Will my Angular application be served correctly if I set the virtual directory to a subfolder?

Yes, you can set the virtual directory to a subfolder, and Azure App Services will serve your Angular application correctly. For example, you can set the virtual directory to /angular, and the Angular application will be served from that subfolder. Just remember to update the base href in your Angular project accordingly.

How do I handle routing and URL rewrites for my Angular application in Azure App Services?

To handle routing and URL rewrites, you can use the URL Rewrite module in Azure App Services. This allows you to rewrite URLs to ensure that your Angular application is served correctly. You can also use the Angular router to handle client-side routing. By combining these two approaches, you can ensure seamless routing and URL rewriting for your application.

Are there any performance considerations when deploying an ASP.NET project with Angular as a virtual directory on Azure App Services?

Yes, there are performance considerations to keep in mind. Since the Angular application is served as a virtual directory, it may impact the performance of your ASP.NET project. To mitigate this, ensure that your Angular application is optimized for production, and consider using caching and content delivery networks (CDNs) to reduce the load on your Azure App Service.