Unlocking the Power of Power BI: Calculate Column Respecting Filters of a Slicer
Image by Kannika - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Power BI: Calculate Column Respecting Filters of a Slicer

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As a Power BI enthusiast, you’re no stranger to the magic of slicers. Those intuitive filters that let your users slice and dice their data with ease. But, have you ever wondered how to make your calculated columns respect those slicer filters? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of calculated columns and slicers, and show you exactly how to make them work in harmony.

What’s the Issue?

Let’s set the scene. You’ve created a beautiful report in Power BI, complete with slicers that allow your users to filter their data by region, product, or date. But, when you create a calculated column, it seems to ignore those slicer filters. The column is calculated using the entire dataset, not just the filtered data. Frustrating, right?

That’s because, by default, calculated columns in Power BI are calculated before the slicer filters are applied. This means that the calculation is performed on the entire dataset, not just the filtered data. But fear not, dear reader, for we have a solution!

The Solution: Using CALCULATE()

Enter the CALCULATE() function, the hero of our story. This powerful function allows you to define a calculation that respects the filters applied by slicers. It’s like a superpower for your calculated columns!

The basic syntax of the CALCULATE() function is as follows:


The expression is the calculation you want to perform, and the filters are the conditions that you want to apply to that calculation.

A Simple Example

Let’s say we have a table called Sales with columns for Date, Region, and Sales Amount. We want to create a calculated column that calculates the average sales amount for each region, respecting a slicer filter on the Date column.

Avg Sales = CALCULATE(
    AVERAGE(Sales[Sales Amount]),
    Sales[Date] = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Date])

In this example, we’re using the CALCULATE() function to define a calculation that averages the Sales Amount column. The first argument, AVERAGE(Sales[Sales Amount]), is the expression that defines the calculation. The second argument, ALL(Sales), specifies the table that we want to operate on. The third argument, Sales[Date] = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Date]), applies the filter from the slicer to the calculation.

Breaking Down the CALCULATE() Function

Let’s take a closer look at the different components of the CALCULATE() function.

The Expression

The expression is the calculation that you want to perform. This can be a simple aggregation, like AVERAGE() or SUM(), or a more complex calculation using multiple columns and functions.

The Table

The table argument specifies the table that you want to operate on. In most cases, this will be the table that contains the data you’re working with. You can use the ALL() function to specify the entire table, or a filtered version of the table using the FILTER() function.

The Filters

The filters are the conditions that you want to apply to the calculation. These can be simple filters, like Sales[Date] = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Date]), or more complex filters using multiple columns and functions.

Respecting Multiple Slicer Filters

What if you have multiple slicers on your report, and you want your calculated column to respect all of them? No problem! You can add multiple filters to the CALCULATE() function, separated by commas.

Avg Sales = CALCULATE(
    AVERAGE(Sales[Sales Amount]),
    Sales[Date] = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Date]),
    Sales[Region] = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Region])

In this example, we’re applying filters from two slicers: Date and Region. The calculated column will respect both filters, and return the average sales amount for each region, within the selected date range.

Common Scenarios

Let’s look at a few common scenarios where you might want to use the CALCULATE() function to respect slicer filters.

Calculating Totals

Imagine you want to calculate the total sales amount for each region, respecting a slicer filter on the Date column.

Total Sales = CALCULATE(
    SUM(Sales[Sales Amount]),
    Sales[Date] = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Date])

Calculating Averages

What if you want to calculate the average sales amount for each product, respecting a slicer filter on the Region column?

Avg Sales = CALCULATE(
    AVERAGE(Sales[Sales Amount]),
    Sales[Region] = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Region])

Calculating Counts

Maybe you want to calculate the number of customers for each region, respecting a slicer filter on the Date column.

Customer Count = CALCULATE(
    COUNT(Sales[Customer ID]),
    Sales[Date] = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Date])


In conclusion, using the CALCULATE() function is a powerful way to make your calculated columns respect slicer filters in Power BI. By following the examples and explanations in this article, you should be able to create calculated columns that respond to slicer filters, and provide more accurate and insightful analysis for your users.

Remember to use the CALCULATE() function when you want to create a calculated column that respects slicer filters, and don’t be afraid to get creative with your calculations and filters!

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are a few additional tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the CALCULATE() function.

Using Variables

You can use variables to simplify your calculations and make them easier to read.

var selected_date = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Date])
var avg_sales = CALCULATE(
    AVERAGE(Sales[Sales Amount]),
    Sales[Date] = selected_date

Using Measures

You can create measures that use the CALCULATE() function, and then use those measures in your report.

Measure = CALCULATE(
    AVERAGE(Sales[Sales Amount]),
    Sales[Date] = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Date])

Using the FILTER() Function

You can use the FILTER() function to apply more complex filters to your calculation.

Avg Sales = CALCULATE(
    AVERAGE(Sales[Sales Amount]),
        Sales[Date] = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Date]) &&
        Sales[Region] = "North"


Here are some frequently asked questions about using the CALCULATE() function to respect slicer filters in Power BI.

Q: Why doesn’t my calculated column respect the slicer filters?

A: Make sure you’re using the CALCULATE() function, and that you’ve specified the correct table and filters.

Q: How do I apply multiple filters to my calculation?

A: Separate the filters with commas, like this: Sales[Date] = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Date]), Sales[Region] = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Region]).

Q: Can I use the CALCULATE() function with measures?

A: Yes, you can create a measure that uses the CALCULATE() function, and then use that measure in your report.

Scenario Calculation
Calculating totals CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Sales Amount]), ALL(Sales), Sales[Date] = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Date]))
Calculating averages CALCULATE(AVERAGE(Sales[Sales Amount]), ALL(Sales), Sales[Region

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of Power BI! Here are the top 5 questions and answers about calculating columns respecting filters of a slicer.

Q1: What is the purpose of calculating a column respecting filters of a slicer in Power BI?

Calculating a column respecting filters of a slicer allows you to create dynamic calculations that consider the selection made on a slicer, providing more accurate and contextual insights to your data.

Q2: How do I calculate a column respecting filters of a slicer in Power BI?

To calculate a column respecting filters of a slicer, you can use the CALCULATE function in Power BI, which allows you to specify a filter context for the calculation. For example, `CALCULATE(SUM('Table'[Column]), 'Slicer'[SelectedValues])`.

Q3: Can I use multiple slicers to filter my calculation in Power BI?

Yes, you can use multiple slicers to filter your calculation in Power BI by specifying multiple filter arguments in the CALCULATE function. For example, `CALCULATE(SUM('Table'[Column]), 'Slicer1'[SelectedValues], 'Slicer2'[SelectedValues])`.

Q4: How do I handle multiple selection on a slicer when calculating a column in Power BI?

To handle multiple selection on a slicer, you can use the IN function in Power BI, which allows you to test if a value is in a list. For example, `CALCULATE(SUM('Table'[Column]), 'Table'[Field] IN 'Slicer'[SelectedValues])`.

Q5: Are there any limitations to calculating columns respecting filters of a slicer in Power BI?

Yes, there are some limitations to calculating columns respecting filters of a slicer in Power BI. For example, calculations may not work correctly if the slicer is used to filter a measure, and calculations may not be optimized for performance.