Why Am I Not Able to Run Airflow Scheduler on My Local?
Image by Kannika - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Am I Not Able to Run Airflow Scheduler on My Local?

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Airflow, the popular open-source platform for programmatically defining, scheduling, and monitoring workflows, is an essential tool for many data engineers and scientists. However, getting started with Airflow can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to running the scheduler on your local machine. In this article, we’ll delve into the common issues that prevent Airflow’s scheduler from running locally and provide you with step-by-step solutions to overcome these hurdles.

The Importance of Running Airflow Scheduler Locally

Before we dive into the troubleshooting process, let’s understand why running Airflow’s scheduler locally is essential. Running the scheduler locally allows you to:

  • Develop and test your DAGs (directed acyclic graphs) in a controlled environment
  • Debug and optimize your workflows without affecting production environments
  • Test new Airflow versions or configurations without impacting your production setup
  • Work offline or with limited network connectivity

Common Issues Preventing Airflow Scheduler from Running Locally

Now, let’s explore the common issues that might prevent Airflow’s scheduler from running locally:

1. Incorrect Airflow Installation

Airflow has specific installation requirements, and a misconfigured installation can prevent the scheduler from running. Ensure you’ve followed the official Airflow installation guide for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).

pip install apache-airflow

Verify that you’ve installed the correct version of Airflow, Python, and required dependencies.

2. Inadequate Environment Variables

Airflow relies on environment variables to function correctly. Make sure you’ve set the following environment variables:

export AIRFLOW_HOME=~/airflow
export AIRFLOW_DB_HOST=localhost
export AIRFLOW_DB_PORT=5432
export AIRFLOW_DB_USER=airflow
export AIRFLOW_DB_PASSWORD=airflow
export AIRFLOW_EXECUTOR=SequentialExecutor

You can set these variables in your shell configuration file (~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc on Linux/macOS) or using a tool like dotenv.

3. Incorrect Database Configuration

Airflow requires a database to store its metadata. By default, Airflow uses a SQLite database. Ensure that:

  • You’ve created the Airflow database (airflow.db) in the specified location (AIRFLOW_HOME)
  • The database file has the correct permissions and ownership
  • You’ve configured the database connection in airflow.cfg (e.g., sql_alchemy_conn = sqlite:///airflow.db)

4. Incompatible Python Version

Airflow supports specific Python versions. Ensure you’re running Airflow with a compatible Python version:

python --version

Verify that you’re using Python 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9, which are the officially supported versions.

5. Missing Dependencies

Airflow relies on various dependencies, such as psutil, setproctitle, and SQLAlchemy. Ensure you’ve installed all required dependencies:

pip install apache-airflow[all_dbs]

This command installs Airflow with all database dependencies.

6. Scheduler Configuration Issues

The scheduler configuration can prevent Airflow from running locally. Check the following:

  • Verify that the scheduler is enabled in airflow.cfg (scheduler = True)
  • Ensure the scheduler’s log file path is correct and writable
  • Check the scheduler’s pid file path is correct and writable

Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve covered the common issues, let’s walk through the troubleshooting steps to resolve the problem:

  1. Restart Airflow:

    airflow db reset
    airflow scheduler reset
    airflow webserver restart

    This resets the database, scheduler, and webserver.

  2. Check Airflow logs:

    airflow logs -p scheduler

    Inspect the scheduler logs for any error messages or warnings.

  3. Verify database connection:

    airflow db check

    This command checks the database connection and schema.

  4. Check environment variables:

    printenv | grep AIRFLOW

    Verify that the environment variables are set correctly.

  5. Check scheduler configuration:

    airflow config list | grep scheduler

    Verify that the scheduler configuration is correct.

Additional Tips and Best Practices

To ensure a smooth Airflow experience, follow these additional tips and best practices:

  • Use a virtual environment (e.g., conda or virtualenv) to isolate Airflow and its dependencies
  • Regularly update Airflow to the latest version using pip install --upgrade apache-airflow
  • Monitor Airflow’s performance and adjust settings as needed (e.g., parallelism, concurrency, and worker節)
  • Use a robust database solution, such as PostgreSQL or MySQL, for production environments
  • Implement a backup and restore strategy for your Airflow database and configuration files


Running Airflow’s scheduler locally can be a challenging task, but by understanding the common issues and following the troubleshooting steps, you should be able to overcome these hurdles. Remember to follow best practices, such as using a virtual environment, regularly updating Airflow, and monitoring performance. With this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to developing and testing your workflows with Airflow.

Issue Solution
Incorrect Airflow Installation Verify installation using pip install apache-airflow
Inadequate Environment Variables Set environment variables using export or dotenv
Incorrect Database Configuration Verify database connection using airflow db check
Incompatible Python Version Verify Python version using python --version
Missing Dependencies Install dependencies using pip install apache-airflow[all_dbs]
Scheduler Configuration Issues Verify scheduler configuration using airflow config list | grep scheduler

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to troubleshoot and resolve issues preventing Airflow’s scheduler from running locally. Happy Airflowing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get your Airflow scheduler up and running smoothly on your local machine with these answers to common questions!

Why is my Airflow scheduler not starting on my local machine?

Make sure you have installed the necessary dependencies, including Python, PIP, and Airflow, and that you have initialized the Airflow database by running `airflow db init`. Also, check that you have the correct configuration settings in your `airflow.cfg` file.

Is there a specific command to start the Airflow scheduler?

Yes, you can start the Airflow scheduler by running `airflow scheduler` in your terminal. Make sure you are in the correct virtual environment and have activated it before running the command.

What if I’m getting a “module not found” error when trying to start the scheduler?

This error usually occurs when Airflow or its dependencies are not installed correctly. Try reinstalling Airflow using `pip install apache-airflow` or `pip install apache-airflow[async,devel,postgres]` if you’re using PostgreSQL. Also, ensure that you’re using the correct Python version and virtual environment.

How can I check the Airflow scheduler logs for errors?

You can check the Airflow scheduler logs by running `airflow scheduler -v` in your terminal. This will display the log output in verbose mode. You can also check the log files in the `~/airflow/logs` directory or the directory specified in your `airflow.cfg` file.

What if my Airflow scheduler is not picking up new DAGs or tasks?

Make sure you have paused the scheduler using `airflow scheduler pause` and then resume it using `airflow scheduler resume`. This will force the scheduler to re-scan the DAGs directory and pick up any new files. You can also try running `airflow dags reserialize` to re-serialize all DAGs.

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